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Blockholder datasets

My coauthors and I have made public 2 datasets on block ownership:


1) A Blockolder Snapshot Dataset that includes an annual snapshot of all 5% block positions from 1998-2023, and multiple classifications of each block (institutional and noninstitutional, a). The data is now public and is available on WRDS and also on Kate Volkova's website. It includes a 2-category classification (13F filer or not), and a 3-category classification  (individuals, financial institution, other). The dataset is described in the paper "Is Blockholder Diversity Detrimental?" by Miriam Schwartz-Ziv and Ekaterina Volkova published in Management Science (2024). If you use the Blockolder Snapshot Dataset, please cite the above-mentioned paper.

2) A block Block Classification Dataset that includes a classification for all 13D and 13G filers (i.e., all 5% blockholders) during the years 1998-2018.  This  dataset also includes a classification for hedge funds. Specifically, the classifications includes an 2-category classification (institutional versus noninstitutional), and a 4-category classification (institutional, hedge fund, individual, or other). This dataset is the paper is described in and is available on WRDS. The paper "Block Diversity and Governance" (2024) by Ryan Israelsen, Miriam Schwartz-Ziv, and James Weston, forthcoming in The Review of Corporate Finance Studies, details in Section 2 how each field was defined and describes the datasets used for the classifications (see the most relevant paragraph from Section 2 below) . If you use the Blockholder Classification Dataset, please cite the above-mentioned paper.

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